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Send a child to school now
Many children are waiting for that someone who will realize their dream of education, what means very little to us means a lot to them, just Rs.800 a match can got a child access to good health, education & better living conditions, Sumati Foundation sponsor ship program has helped million of children fulfill their dreams, hers your opportunity to make a difference. 

Click has to sponsor a child 
When you sponsor a child, you recieve Aperture & the story of your sponsorship childs annual progress report to show you his/her progress.

A quarter news letter new, life planning the difference you are making to a community.

Toy benefits under section 80G helping you cut down an taxes & best of all, a meaning full relationship with the child you sponsor the chance to write to your sposored child or visit your making you an active for tenor in your childs progress & development.



.Registration Certificate

.12 AA

.80G Registration